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Voltage Attenuation

The "9 Stages to Voltage Attenuation" of the VIC

  1. Conventional Power Supply - less than 1V - 110V DC (or equivalent rectified AC)
  2. TBD - no mention (believed to be the Gate Frequency & Process)
  3. Pulse Train concentrated or "Time-regulated" variable pulse voltage frequency allowing for higher voltage amplitude
  4. Resistive wire 430/FR in inductors
  5. Repetitive Formation & Collapse of Oscillating Magnetic Fields (in Resonant Charging Chokes) allows duplicated Voltage Wave Form (9B) and forms Inductance Coupling (Allowing pulses through, but restricting amps)
  6. Preventing Electrical arcing beyond voltage gap thresholds
  7. Sequential Gate is varied beyond attenuated voltage control
  8. Frequency (Alternator) is varied 
  9. Varying of Voltage Pulse Amplitude Input

Stan couldn't count:

Step 10: Repeated Dual Voltage Pulse-Train

Step 11: Dual Voltage Pulse Train - Duty Pulse Cycling (Increase Pulses Per Second Per Attenuation)

Step 12: Voltage Amplitude is adjusted no further, to keep amp flow to a minimum, once Compounding Action is properly maintained.

Step 13: TBD

Step 14: Varying Gate Switch Circuit (58) to control gas production on-demand

Step 15: Sequentially switching OFF and ON additional Excitors to control gas production on-demand