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379 total results found
CA1213671A1 Electrical Particle Generator
PDF Download: SMeyer-CA1213671A1-Electrical_Particle_Generator.pdf Consumer and Consommation Corporate Affairs Canada et Corporations Canada (ll) (A) No 1213 671(45) ISSUED 861104(52) CLASS 353-14 C.R. CL. 355-1(51) INT, CL. HOLF 31/00,27/24as) ca) CANADIA...
Everything Vibrating in a WFC
This shows Max's Double Barrel cell holder adapted to mount electrodes at opposing ends of each tube. Tiny streams of nanobubbles can be seen coming from the bolt threads
12AX7 Dual Triode operating in Heptode Mode
Truly Analog Amplitude Modulation AND Gating
4 Channel 12AX7 Toroidal Amplitude Modulator
Early Build pics of the 4 Channel modulator.
ESP32 Rest API, Pulse Clock & VIC Configurator
Introducing harmonics into Amplitude Modulation
1-10 Channel Analog Amplitude Modulator
Magamp LFO standing wave oscillator
Demonstrating High Voltage present at the WFC
"Waterless" energy transfer Visualizing standing waves occurring across the WFC capacitor.
Saturation Oscillator
You must listen to your energy. It plays notes. Once you learn to trigger those notes, you can play a chord. Playing with distributed inductances and capacitances and harmonics generated from 60 Hz line noise. Using resistive dampening to load mutually coup...
CA1233379A1 Hydrogen Gas Injection for Internal Combustion Engine
PDF Download: SMeyer-CA1233379A1-Hydrogen_Gas_Injection_for_Internal_Combustion_Engine.pdf Consumer and Consummation Corporate Affairs Canada et Corporations Canace (a) (A) No. 1 233 379 (45) ISSUED 880301(52) CLASS 123-15 C.R. CL. 60-14 (51) INT. CL. FO2M...
DIY EMF Detector
Easy homemade EMF probe. I added a piezo buzzer to mine, and found it very helpful to "listen" to the fields coming off of things like wires and HV bulbs, and water capacitors. DIY Guide:
8XA Alternator Setup
This was an old attempt at using an unrectified alternator's 3 phase output running from a 1/3 HP AC synchronous motor.
Crossover Voltage Switch
CrayonXA (My First 9XA)
Learning transistors, power supplies, 555 timers, Schmidt Triggers, AND gates, darlington transistors and optocouplers all in one shot. It still amazes me this ever worked :) The circuit for this design originated from Max Miller's 9XA (drawn in crayon) ...
Phase Selectable VIC
Utilizing DPDT toggle switches to allow inline phase inversion of each VIC component allow significant selectivity in operational configurations. 450VDC push-pull EL34 vacuum tube driven VIC 4:1 stepdown ferromagnetic core Earlier version of above, but...
WO9208046A1 - Hydrogen Gas Fuel & Management System For An Internal Combustion Engine
PDF Download: SMeyer-WO9208046A1-Hydrogen_Gas_Fuel_&_Management_System_For_An_Internal_Combustion_Engine.txt WORLD INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY ORGANIZATION International Bureau INTERNATIONAL APPLICATION PUBLISHED UNDER THE PATENT COOPERATION TREATY (PCT) (51) I...
CA1231872A1 Hydrogen Injection System
PDF Download: SMeyer-CA1231872A1-Hydrogen_Injection_System.pdf Consumer and Consommation Corporate Affairs Canada et Corporations Canada(11) (A) No.(45) ISSUED 880126(52) CLASS 123-154 (51) INT. CL. FO2M 21/04aa) cs) CANADIAN PATENT 2)(54) Hydrogen Injectio...
CA1227094A1 Hydrogen Air & Non-Combustible Gas Mixing Combustion System
PDF Download: SMeyer-CA1227094A1-Hydrogen_Air_&_Non-Combustible_Gas_Mixing_Combustion_System.pdf .Consumer and Consummation - Corporate Affairs Canada at Corporations Canada (11) (a) No. 1 227 094(45) ISSUED 870922(52) CLASS 123-15 C.R. CL. 158-194 (51) IN...
50W PushPull Tube Amp for driving a VIC