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Water Fuel Cell considered for Star Wars plan - July 4th, 1985

July 4th, 1985

While most of us have only been reading about the Star Wars defense program that is being initiated by the U.S. government, one Grove City resident has recently become actively involved in it. His name is Stanley Meyer, the man who invented the Water Fuel Cell, recently attended a Pentagon visit with Lt. Gen. James Abrahamson, the man in charge of the program.

"The purpose of our meeting was to set up a centralized program capable of interfacing the Water Fuel Cell technology with the military very, very quickly," Meyer said. "The Strategic Defense Initiative will coordinate the efforts and cut across all the red tape to see that the Water Fuel Cell can get into this country without any foreign intervention."


The Water Fuel Cell is able to convert any form of natural water into energy. The system can be installed to work with existing machinery. This Water Fuel Cell was described in detail in the October 15 issue of the Grove City Record.

Another system designed by Meyer is the electrical particle generator (EPG) which can be used to convert air into power. Meyer said that it is so flexible it can be used with any mechanical system that works on a vacuum and can provide tremendous power. "The combined forces of the EPG and the water fuel cell as a vacuum system are very highly flexible in power," Meyer said.

Meyer's work up to this point has brought him 34 patents by working with the government on the Water Fuel Cell and the EPG. Meyer said that the patent process will be speeded up and the project funded by the armed forces.

"The Water Fuel Cell is ready to go, and the equipment needed to convert water to hydrogen for the nation can virtually be eliminated overnight."

The United States has become increasingly dependent on foreign countries for its energy. While in 1956 the country was importing 5 percent of its crude oil, we are currently importing 57 percent. Japan imports 97 percent. Therefore, the volatile middle east countries have a great deal of industrial base of this world.

"There is a tremendous dilemma in energy," Meyer said. "The people in Washington are seeing the need to come up with a viable, alternate energy source."

"This country must remain strong," he added. "We cannot negotiate from a point of weakness, and in our current condition, if our oil supply is shut off, we will have to go to war. What other alternative do we have, unless there is a safe and abundant source that can come in quickly to take over?"

According to Meyer, industry must be ready to work in conjunction with the government to implement the Water Fuel Cell. "If there is no government, there won't be a government, and without a government, there will be no military," he said, so the water fuel cell must go into all facets of the nation simultaneously. "If the fuel cell was put into the industrial bases of the world now, it would diffuse the building upheaval that is currently taking place."

"I keep the inherent design of the fuel cell [and EPG] related to space technology, as well. By being involved with the Star Wars plan, I found that technology could be equalized by how sophisticated and dependable the Water Fuel Cell technology is," Meyer said.

"We must recover from our energy dependency, and if the water fuel cell can come in and make things better, we're up with something here. Only history will prove whether I'm right or not."