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World wakes up to water fuel invention - July 31 1991

Wednesday July 31 1991
By Marcia Thompson

image-1728931823487.pngAccording to Stan Meyer, Grove City inventor of the Water Fuel Cell, the nations of the world are polarizing to the technology and doors are opening up worldwide. "My objective since 1980 is now being finalized."

The world leaders who took part in the G-7 talks held recently in London were alerted to the technology, and Meyer says he was notified these leaders agreed to look further into it.

"The decision was definitely made," Meyer said. "This is a most significant development, getting world leaders to move together in one accord."

Meyer has been working on the hydrogen fracturing process technology since 1980 at a cost of about $1.6 million. He is the sole owner of the patents and is not associated with any major commercial company. Although he has been approached to sell the technology, he says he has no intention of doing so and plans to retain control to make sure his invention is brought to the public for the good of mankind.

He now holds more than 25 U.S. patents on the technology and systems, with patents also released in Japan, Canada, and other countries under the National Patent Cooperative Treaty Act.

"Part of the technology is in U.S. national security interest," said Meyer, "as well as of every other country that’s part of the Cooperative Treaty Act. The primary objective has always involved a concern for the economic betterment of other countries of the world."

The bulk of the Water Fuel Cell technology has already been released to the scientific community.


“As we have been releasing information on the technology, it’s being researched and verified at labs throughout the world,” Meyer said.

A recent report from Dr. T Nagypal of Vienna, Austria, who tested part of the technology states, "Your theory works."

“The Adoption of Hydrogen as a Universal Energy Source: An Appreciation” was written by Admiral Sir Anthony Griffin of England, along with Professor M.A. Laughton and Dr. K.B. Handley. The document ends with the recommendation: a) The credibility of WFC technology should first be established, b) subject to (a), the technology should be promoted widely as quickly as possible, c) Potentially destabilizing effects on national economies should be pre-empted or at least mitigated, and d) The functions of all concerned need to be coordinated without impeding their individual responsibilities."

The paper also states "If WFC technology can be brought to an economically viable state, it offers an energy source of immense significance for many nations, with all the advantages arising from the avoidance of PR [public relations] and management difficulties."


Meyer shows where the new Water Fuel Injector fits on the dune buggy. The injectors are an upgrade of the Water Fuel Management System and are an extension of the Gas Management System unit. (photo by Marcia Thompson)

The gas is mixed with water from the reservoir tank at about 125 lb of pressure to produce water fuel. The water fuel put into the injector is exposed to a high voltage pulse frequency via the Voltage Intensifier Circuit technology and an L-shaped frame gate is utilized to control the amount of water fuel going into the system. The water fuel is then transformed into thermal energy released into the injector as it’s processed economically off the processed water fuel.

"The most important thing is that the technology has been done without any outside controls," said Meyer, "and could be in operation with the Water Fuel Cell technology within several months,” said Meyer. "Under a national emergency, we could do it in a matter of weeks."


The sports car Meyer is retrofitting is a Corvette owned and driven by Bill Brooks. According to Meyer, it is in the GT class, A and B category, and is called "the world’s fastest stock Corvette." With a large 700 HP engine, Brooks broke the land record at 271 mph. With a smaller engine, it holds the record of 247 mph. After it is retrofitted with the Water Fuel Cell system, they plan to run it at the Bonneville Salt Flats and try to break those records—using water as fuel.

Water Fuel Injectors duplicate different sizes of conventional spark plugs. (photo by Marcia Thompson)


The gas is processed to couple fossil fuel burning levels in order to run the car on water.

The advanced system is controlled by a computer system and a steam resonator gives the ability to heat water without consuming a great deal of electrical power. The process is totally electronic and is environmentally safe.



Meyer has secured two of five world patents pertaining to the Hydrogen Gas Management System, one as recently as May 21, 1991. A patent for the Electrical Polarization Process was issued on June 26, 1991.

"These are basic patents," said Meyer, "and there are three more patents filed that we’re expecting to come through any day."

The Water Fuel Injector System, WFC 422 DA, is an extremely advanced patented design known as an extension of the Hydrogen Gas System. Different sized WFC injectors are needed for each fossil fuel injector port in the car.