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113 total results found

Resonant Cavity - 3D STLs

Ethan Crowder 3D STL Files

Author does not accept and liabilities/responsibilities for those individuals who chose to build the below cell. This information on this site is for educational purposes only.  Cavity shown on Chris Bake's YouTube channel: 10 Cell Tubular Resonant Cavity Si...

Coil Winder For VIC5

Ethan Crowder 3D STL Files

End cap for holding VIC5 bobbin. Bottom has hexagonal recess for 5/16" nylon lock nut. Best method is to lay flat, line up nut flat edges and lightly tap with hammer flush into recess. This avoids glue being needed. VIC5 winder end caps .stl  


Newspaper Articles

Page 1 Page 16  


Newspaper Articles

Page 1 Page 5


Newspaper Articles

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Newspaper Articles

Page 1 Page 5

EPG Speculations/Suggestions

EPG Information

*** Page will be continually updated. Highlighted below, appears to be various, thick varnishing applied to outer surface of copper tubing on each EPG model. Figure 3 demonstrates the best example of this. Obviously, this was done to insulate adjacent tubing ...

9XA Method

Waveform Generators Custom Waveform Generators

The 9XA was a circuit that Stan used to produce a gated pulse frequency via two H11D1 optocouplers. The optocouplers were driven by two independent stages of 555 timer clock frequency into 3 7490 decade counter ICs. The 7490s provided divisions of 555 freque...

Adjustable Duty Cycle Gated Pulse Frequency

Waveform Generators Custom Waveform Generators

One can use a 555 with two 1N4148 diodes to allow independent control of duty cycle ON/OFF times. Each diode has a 100k 10-turn precision potentiometer placed in series to capacitor as shown below. Rotary switch for selection of different capacitor values ca...

Literature Analysis

Steam Resonator

SECTION ONE OVERVIEW: SECTION ONE NOTES: Stan mentions: “a singular unipolar voltage pulse wave-form alternately polarity triggered” is yet another way to release thermal energy from the water molecule. This statement indicates that only one pulse t...

Variable Pulse Frequency Generator (K2) Component Interface Plate

Ethan Crowder 3D STL Files

Plate for mounting 4 rotary switches (3/8" diameter threads), 1 precision 10-turn potentiometer (3/8" diameter threads), and 1 5mm LED.  Variable Pulse Freq Gen Component front plate v3.stl


EPG Models

Figure 1:

EPG #3 (Polynoid Linear Drive) Model

EPG Models

Figure 1: Figure 2: Figure 3: Figure 4: Coil dividers were replicated based on photographic dimensioning measurements. 4 tubing and 3 tubing ones are seen. Screw holes are for 8-32" x 1.75" brass machine screw and nut.  Polynoid EPG 4 tube divider...

EPG #2 "Magnetic Spin Generator (Push-Pull Coil) Model

EPG Models

Figure 1: Figure 2: Figure 3: Figure 4: Figure 5: Figure 6: Figure 7: Figure 8: Figure 9: Figure 10: Figure 11: Figure 12:

EPG #1 (Red pump model)

EPG Models

Figure 1: Figure 2: (Orientation coils may have been composed of 400 turns, with #30 gauge wire.) Figure 3: Figure 4: Top view of PCB Figure 5: EPG orientation pulsing coil board. Figure 6: Figure 7: Red pump information (Little Giant B-...

Dimension issues

Max Miller TV Flyback VIC

Based on the below review, I would not recommend anyone purchase from the source on Ebay provided by Max. Below is a record of issues from this purchase. This core is now $60. From the Ebay source, the dimensions between Max's core and the one I received is q...

STLs provided by Max

Max Miller TV Flyback VIC

shorter_version.stl tv_core.stl tv_core_end_caps_bigger_socket.stl    

Max Miller Ebay VIC Core Source Purchase Proof

Max Miller TV Flyback VIC

Max provided a Thingiverse upload that was utilizing a TV flyback transformer core as a potential VIC alternative. In this thingiverse, he provided a YouTube video demonstrating this VIC in operation: Thingiverse Youtube Video Towards the end of the video, t...

VIC 5 coil

Ethan Crowder 3D STL Files



Newspaper Articles