WFC 427 - Voltage Wave Guides
Propagating "Resonant Action" By Voltage Tickling of State Space
WFC 427 Cover Page
8-1 - Propagating "Resonant Action" By Voltage Tickling of State Space
Voltage Wave-Guides Propagating "Resonant Action" By Voltage Tickling of State Space Th...
8-2 - Traveling Voltage Wave-Guides
The formation of tubular Traveling Voltage Wave-guide (570a) of Figure (7-12) (WFC Memo 426) as t...
8-3 - Electrical Voltage-Pulse Wave-Transmission
Electrical Voltage-Pulse Wave-Transmission (583a xxx 583n), now formed, occurs along Electrical C...
8-4 - State Space (Sp)
During the electrical-formation (66- Vpa/Vpb - 67- Vpa/Vpb) of each opposite Electrical Voltage-W...
8-5 - Energy Vectoring (Ev)
The "mode of operability" of determining the "Operational Parameters" of adjusting the thermal ex...
8-6 - VIC Voltage Sync-Pulse Circuit
Voltage Sync-Pulse Gated Frequency (583/602a xxx 583/602n) (603/604a xxx 603/604n) of Figure (8-1...
8-7 - Application of Usage
By simply intermixing/interchanging any applied Electrical Voltage Pulse-State with any Gas Press...
WFC 427 Illustrations