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8-2 - Traveling Voltage Wave-Guides

image-1702268827712.pngThe formation of tubular Traveling Voltage Wave-guide (570a) of Figure (7-12) (WFC Memo 426) as to (770) of Figure (8-1) is physically formed when positive electrical voltage surface (66/E9) and negative electrical voltage surface (67/E10) are placed in parallel space relationship to form voltage surfaces (E9/E10) about an cylindrical axis of rotation having space-gap (35) there between and thus, fanning Cylindrical Resonant Cavity (730A) of Figure (7-12) as to (770A) of Figure (8-1) when space-gap (616) of Figure (720) exposes injected water bath (85) to unipolar pulse-oscillation of high voltage intensity of opposite polarity (67/66) as to (780) of Figure (8-2) which, in turn, propagates opposite electrical attraction force (RR' _ 88') of Figure (7-4), as illustrated in (590) of Figure (6-2) as to (585) of Figure (8-1).

(770) of Figure (8-1)image-1702268946371.png

(730A) of Figure (7-12)


(590) of Figure (6-2)image-1702269370435.png

(780) of Figure (8-2)


The dielectric property of water (85) (resistance to electron flow) in conjunction with VIC Coil Matrix Circuit (690) of Figure (7-8) (WFC memo 426) as to VIC Coil Assembly (580) of Figure (6-1) (WFC memo 425) ability to inhibit amp "influxing" (Electron Bounce Phenomenon EbP) during pulsing operations (49a xx 49n) allows voltage amplitude of pulse-frequency potential (T1a xxxT1n) as to (Vo -64a-64b -64c - Vn) of (780A) Figure (8-2) to be applied across cross-sectional circular-ring water bath (85) (donut shape) to cause Voltage Wave-Form (57) of Figure (6-2) to travel the entire longitudinal length of water-gap (616) since stainless steel material (s/s) (T304) forming Voltage surfaces (E9/E1O) electrically conducts and transfers (skin effect) Voltage Pulse-Freqnency Potential (583) along the inside surface area of the chemically inert and non-oxidizing stainless steel (s/s) tubular material (E9/E1O) which physically dictates the shape and configuration of voltage waves (66/67)

... forming tubular voltage wave-guide (s) (570) of Figure (7-12) that, now, becomes the same physical configuration of Water Gap (616), as illustrated in (720) of Figure (7-11).

(690) of Figure (7-8) (WFC memo 426)


(580) of Figure (6-1) (WFC memo 425)


 (780A) Figure (8-2)


(57) of Figure (6-2) 


(570) of Figure (7-12)


(720) of Figure (7-11)


The surface tension of water (584) adjacent to both voltage surfaces (E9 / EI0) further aids the transmission of voltage potential (66/67) since Electrical Charging Effect (585) of Figure (7-4) does not change or alter the dielectric value of water (Re).


Together, the Voltage Coefficient of Water (e/Eo) of Equation (Eq 21) and the Voltage Coefficient of the stainless steel (s/s) material fanning voltage surfaces (E9/E10), now, allows the establishment and performance of Traveling Electrical Voltage Wave-Guide (583/602) since electrical conductance zone (587) between electrical surface (S) (E9/E10) and the dielectric surface tension of water (584) acts and performs as a electrical conductor (Skin Effect)


... since electrical transmission zone (587) is almost free of electron leakage

...since Water Bath (85) is a dielectric-liquid (typically 78.54Q) that does not like to transfer nor exchange electrons

... thereby, maintaining voltage amplitude potential (Vo  - 64a - 64b - 64c - Vn) of Figure (8-6) without experiencing amp arc-over across Water-Gap (616) in any appreciable amount

... allowing pulsating opposite electrical attraction forces (RR' / SS') to perform the work of "Electrically Charging" water bath (85) to bring-on and trigger Hydrogen Fracturing Process (90) of Figure (5-5), as illustrated in Energy Pumping stage (520) of Figure (5-3).

Figure (8-6)


(90) of Figure (5-5)


(520) of Figure (5-3)


Voltage Intensifier Matrix Circuit (690) of Figure (7-8) electrically connected with resistive liquid (85/Re) (forming Resonant Water Gap "Cp" of Figure 7-8) propagates the transmission of Traveling Voltage Wave-Form (57) of Figure (6-2) as to (770) of Figure(8-1) by the functional relationship of Circuit Resistance Equation (Eq 9) during programmable Voltage Pulsing operations (49a xxx 1'3 xxx 49n) of Figure (8-2).

(690) of Figure (7-8) 


Circuit Resistance Equation (Eq 9) 


(57) of Figure (6-2) 


(770) of Figure(8-1)


Figure (8-2)
