WDMS Laser Acceleration Cards
Memo WFC 423 DA Gasoline Vs "Water as Fuel" :
50 hp Internal Combustion Engine
1ml/min gasoline consumption rate (on-road tested) @65 mph ÷25. hydrogen-fuel of water = 44.4 ml/min water flow rate ÷60 sec. = 740 ml/sec. water-fuel consumption rate@ 65m.p.h.
Water Injection Cycle
030, г р ÷ 60 sec. = 50 engine revolutions/sec ÷ 2 (Distributor Turn Ratio) 52 Rotor revolutions/sec x 4 Water-Fuel Injectors = 100 Injection cycles/sec.
0.47 ml/sec water-fuel rate ÷ 100 injection cycles/sec. =
7.4 ul Water Droplet / injection cycle Voatlge Intensifier Circuit
40,000 volts @1ma =40 wats of applied electrical power
40 watts ÷ 12 volts battery = 3. amp/hr (current) draw capacity
00amp/hr battery ÷3. amp/hr current consumption =30.3 battery-life without recharging
Distributor Firing Sequence
25 Rotor Revolution / sec ÷ 1000 = 25ms / Rev. Water Inject-Time & applied Pulse-Voltage